
A symbol representing the Trinity on a brick wall

Introduction to the Trinity

The doctrine of the Trinity is one of the most important doctrines of the Christian faith. And, one of the...
  • 14:24
  • Scott Stein
The sun shines brightly in a deep blue sky, symbolic of God’s glory

Clarifying What God’s Glory Is

There are certain words that are so familiar to us that we often use them without even thinking. The word...
  • 43:04
  • Scott Stein, Shawn Walker
A target bullseye hangs on a string, the sky is in the background

Jesus’ Ultimate Goal: Discovering the Purpose that Shaped Jesus’ Mind

Over the past several episodes, Scott and Shawn have been progressing through a thought journey on what it means to...
  • 34:26
  • Scott Stein, Shawn Walker
Two footprints from a man are in the sand

Thinking Like Jesus: Taking Jesus’ Humanity Seriously

Since Jesus was fully human, that means he needed to learn just like we do. But how could Jesus learn what he needed to know…
  • 45:57
  • Scott Stein, Shawn Walker
The book cover for “What Is Biblical Theology?”

A Book Recommendation for “What Is Biblical Theology?”

Christians sometimes see the Bible as an instruction manual containing rules for pleasing God or living a happy life. Other...
  • 1:13
  • Scott Stein
Two flowers are planted side by side

Learning to Think Like Jesus About Singleness and Marriage, With Dani Treweek

The subjects of singleness and marriage are important ones for every Christian. But as with many things, have we in...
  • 37:37
  • Scott Stein, Dani Treweek
Why Every Christian Is a Theologian: “You Are a Theologian” Book Recommendation

Why Every Christian Is a Theologian: “You Are a Theologian” Book Recommendation

What is salvation in Jesus all about? Jesus gives a very clear answer in John 17:3… “Now this is eternal life…
  • 1:07
  • Scott Stein
God Is: A Devotional Guide to the Attributes of God book cover

A Devotional Guide to the Attributes of God | “God Is” Book Recommendation

C.H. Spurgeon once said, “the proper study of a Christian is the Godhead”. For much of Western Christianity, this idea has been lost…
  • 1:47
  • Scott Stein
A teen girl reading a Bible outdoors

What Teens Need for Lasting Faith, with Mike McGarry

It isn’t uncommon to hear about teens who’ve walked away from the Christian faith they grew up with. Despite being raised…
  • 39:54
  • Scott Stein, Mike McGarry
How Both the Old and New Testaments Point to Jesus | “The Unfolding Mystery” Book Recommendation

How Both the Old and New Testaments Point to Jesus | “The Unfolding Mystery” Book Recommendation

As Christians, we often feel or are confronted with the tension between God revealing himself through Jesus in the New...
  • 0:35
  • Scott Stein
Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith by Michael Reeves

The Importance of the Trinity: A Book Recommendation for “Delighting in the Trinity”

Many Christians would agree that the doctrine of the Trinity is important, but fail to see how its really relevant...
  • 0:32
  • Scott Stein
The book cover for Discover: Questioning Your Way to Faith

Questioning Your Way to Faith: A Book Recommendation for “Discover”

“[Here’s] the beauty of helping young people discover faith: you never know what’s going on in a student’s head until…”
  • 1:42
  • Scott Stein
A lamb stands in a green pasture and looks at the camera

How did Jesus fulfill the law of Moses?

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish...
  • 3:58
  • Scott Stein
The 10 commandments written on stone tablets

Fulfilling the Law: God’s Purpose in Jesus Explained

In Matthew 5:17, Jesus said:I have not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it.Sometimes Christians struggle understanding the...
  • 56:12
  • Scott Stein, Shawn Walker
Jesus clasps a person’s hands in his as they stand in front of a cross

Is Christian Universalism True?

What is Christian Universalism? Here’s how Rob Bell, a proponent of Christian Universalism, describes it: “At the heart of this perspective is…
  • 4:24
  • Scott Stein
A dark tunnel leading to a the light at the end of the tunnel

Jesus IS the Only Way — Really?

I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.Jesus (John...
  • 3:06
  • Scott Stein
Flames consume a pile of wood

Jesus Teaches on Hell (or Does He?)

How could a loving God send anyone to hell?There are few questions that cast more doubts against Christian beliefs than...
  • 1:03:52
  • Scott Stein, Shawn Walker
A classical painting of Adam and Eve eating the fruit in the Garden of Eden as the serpent watches

Sin and Atonement: What Did Jesus Say?

What is sin? Is it just a way of describing the bad things we do? Things that God tells us...
  • 55:06
  • Scott Stein, Shawn Walker
A woman looks at her wrist watch

Eternal Life is Now and Not Yet

There was a chorus I learned growing up titled, The World is Not My Home. The first line went like...
  • 6:08
  • Scott Stein
A road runs off into the distance

Where is History Going?

Don’t you think the best books, stories, or movies are the ones with a happy ending? Where the hero saves…
  • 9:05
  • Scott Stein
Jesus Christ looks up to the sky as he hangs on the cross

Why Jesus Had to Die

Remember the old rhyme, I owe, I owe, so off to work I go? While meant to be humorous, it...
  • 8:13
  • Scott Stein
A statue of Jesus Christ in a lush, green park

Why Jesus Lived a Perfect Life

Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if Adam and Eve had never eaten that forbidden fruit?...
  • 5:10
  • Scott Stein
A mosaic artwork of Jesus Christ

Why Jesus’ Incarnation Matters

As much as our age of global communication allows us to do amazing things, it can also overwhelm us with...
  • 5:01
  • Scott Stein
A man meditates in a grove of trees

Sin = Self Worship

Have you ever read the story of Adam and Eve eating from the forbidden tree and wondered to yourself, What...
  • 6:28
  • Scott Stein
A hand picking an apple, like the story of Adam and Eve

How We Took God’s Glory for Ourselves

There is a reason why God included “thou shall not steal” as one of the ten commandments. And it isn’t just because it’s dishonest or an act of greed.
  • 5:06
  • Scott Stein
Eve offers Adam fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, with the serpent watching in the background

How Adam and Eve’s Sin Affects Us All

Does talking about sin make you uncomfortable? Do you get nervous bringing up the subject of sin when explaining…
  • 4:25
  • Scott Stein
A crowd of people from overhead

Is There a Purpose for the World?

In our last video we saw that what sets the Bible’s account of creation apart from every other religious…
  • 5:02
  • Scott Stein
A wall of hieroglyphs in Egypt, featuring Egyptian gods

How is God different from the gods of mythology?

Every religion has a creation account about how the world came into existence. So, isn’t the creation account…
  • 3:45
  • Scott Stein
A young woman looks at a reflection of herself in a store window

The Ideas That Shaped Beliefs About Identity

What is your identity grounded in? What beliefs have influenced how culture thinks of the idea of identity?
  • 13:47
  • Scott Stein
A man stands on top of a mountain and raises his hands towards the sun

What Difference Does Seeing the Glory of God Make?

Jesus wants us to see his glory. But what about when we do behold his glory?What does seeing the glory...
  • 35:55
  • Scott Stein