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Learning to Think Like Jesus About Singleness and Marriage, With Dani Treweek

  • By: Scott Stein, Dani Treweek
  • Aug 27, 2024
    • Listen on:

The subjects of singleness and marriage are important ones for every Christian. But as with many things, have we in the church allowed tradition and culture to inform our ideas and practices more than Scripture?

For example, in our attempt to honour marriage as a good gift from God, do we implicitly or explicitly present marriage to our young people as God’s only “natural” and intended goal for their adult lives? And if so, where does this leave the person who never experiences marriage? Or the young person who feels that God wants them to use their life for him in other ways?

To truly live out singleness and marriage as God intends them, we must first understand singleness and marriage as God reveals them. That’s because right thinking must always precede right living. And right thinking begins with thinking like Jesus.

In this episode of the Prepared to Answer Podcast, we welcome Dr. Dani Treweek, a post-doctoral theological researcher, author, and speaker with a focus on biblical singleness, sexuality, theological retrieval, and worldview formation. By discussing her application of biblical theology in her research on the biblical meaning of singleness, Dani not only challenges us to re-think our understanding of singleness, but also supplies a real-life illustration of how to think biblically about any topic by viewing it through the lens of the Bible’s grand story.