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A drone view of the Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil

“So” Misunderstood - John 3:16 Might Not Mean What You Think

John 3:16 is arguably the best known verse in the Bible. It shows up on signs, cards, posters, billboards, t-shirts...
  • 06:34
  • Scott Stein
A girl looks at the sky through lookout binoculars

“Who Made God?” - For Kids

Here is a short video that will help your children answer that important question: Who Made God?...
  • 3:00
  • Scott Stein
A gingerbread man and gingerbread woman both lie on parchment paper

Why Did God Make Male and Female?

Have you ever wondered why God made male and female? Today more than ever, this is an important question. There...
  • 4:04
  • Scott Stein
A mother reads the Bible to her young daughter

Teaching the Trinity to Kids

The doctrine of the Trinity is one of the most important teachings of the Christian faith, and yet admittedly one...
  • 4:49
  • Scott Stein
Jordan Peterson

Is Jordan Peterson a Christian?

In my travels, I’ve been asked many times what I think about Jordan Peterson. There seem to be two main…
  • 3:18
  • Scott Stein
A lamb stands in a green pasture and looks at the camera

How did Jesus fulfill the law of Moses?

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish...
  • 3:58
  • Scott Stein
A set of footprints in the sand

How to Live Like Jesus

Do you want to live like Jesus? Do you want to live a transformed life in relationship with God as your…
  • 05:25
  • Scott Stein
A pair of shoes. One shoe is shiny and polished, while the other shoe looks tattered and worn.

Why Do Bad People Prosper and Good People Suffer? Insights from St. Augustine in The City of God

This week I learned of the tragic loss of a Christian family within my own church community. The automatic response...
  • 9:30
  • Scott Stein
A rock climber looks at a threatening cliff in front of her

Why Is Living by Faith so Difficult?

Why do we struggle so often to live by faith?I dont know about you, but Id love to see mountains...
  • 4:11
  • Scott Stein
A tired young woman stands in the midst of a bustling crowd

Why Is It So Hard to Live the Christian Life?

This live online presentation was delivered by Pastor Dan Johnson at an event hosted by Prepared to Answer.PASTOR DAN JOHNSON,...
  • 40:03
  • Scott Stein
A nativity figure of baby Jesus

If Jesus was “Begotten”, How Can He Be Eternal?

A viewer left a question on one of our YouTube clips about the Trinity that I thought deserved a more...
  • 5:33
  • Scott Stein
A woman scrolls on her phone

The Spiritual Dangers of Smartphones

I have discovered that all the unhappiness of men arises from one single fact, that they cannot stay quietly in...
  • 5:13
  • Scott Stein
A little girl smiles and looks at the sky

"Who Is God?" - For Kids

Have you ever been asked to explain who God is?Maybe it was a child or grandchild who managed to stump...
  • 3:55
  • Scott Stein
A teen boy sits on the step in front of his house, deep in thought

How Do I Start Thinking Like Jesus?

I have a chronic dandelion problem in my yard. I pull them up, I spray them and run them over...
  • 3:29
  • Scott Stein
A nativity scene in front of a Christmas tree and calendar

How Jesus' Birth Changed the World — and the Calendar

Have you ever wondered why we count the years as we do?
  • 4:04
  • Scott Stein
Symbols for Islam, Christianity, and Judaism sit on top of an old building

Do Christians, Jews, and Muslims Believe in the Same God?

Do Christians, Jews, and Muslims believe in the same God? Since all three religions trace back to the Old Testament...
  • 34:28
  • Scott Stein
A man wearing a tin foil hat looks at his computer screens

Conspiracy Theories and What to Do About Them

Conspiracy theories are nothing new, even for Christians. One of the earliest disasters visited upon the church was when emperor...
  • 11:43
  • Scott Stein
Two young boys in halloween costumes hold candy and trick or treat buckets

Should Christian Kids Trick or Treat?

Should Christian parents allow their children to go trick-or-treating? How should a Christian family decide about Halloween?
  • 2:24
  • Scott Stein
A heart drawn on pavement by three pieces of chalk

What Does the Trinity Tell Us About God’s Love?

This video excerpt is from a live presentation delivered by Scott Stein.What (or who) is the Trinity?Before God is even...
  • 10:08
  • Scott Stein
A father carries his little daughter on his shoulders as she looks at the sky

“Daddy, Why Can’t I See God?”

I’m not sure why it’s always at bedtime that my kids ask me the hardest questions. Perhaps it’s because that’s…
  • 04:52
  • Scott Stein
A young girl looks at a drawing she made of three people

The Trinity for Kids

The Doctrine of the Trinity is such an important thing for kids (and grown ups) to learn about God. It...
  • 4:53
  • Scott Stein
an emtpy tomb with the stone rolled away

Jesus’ Resurrection Gives Us Hope!

No matter lifes circumstances, fixing your eyes on the hope of Jesus resurrection will bring joy to your heart, peace...
  • 4:42
  • Scott Stein
A young woman gestures rejection by holding out her hand

What Do You Do When People Aren’t Interested In Hearing About Jesus?

Do you find sharing the gospel hard? So do I. And it’s not because I’m embarrassed or don’t know what…
  • 3:23
  • Scott Stein
Protecting Your Kids’ Minds From Internet Porn

Protecting Your Kids’ Minds From Internet Porn

I recently received an email from a mom looking for an internet filter for the home computer or some mechanism...
  • 2:31
  • Scott Stein
A transgender person sits on a couch and covers their body with a blanket

Can a Person Be Born in the Wrong Body?

When speaking on the issues of gender, gender identity, and Christianity, I’ve had people ask me on two separate occasions: “What if…
  • 4:30
  • Scott Stein
The ten commandments written in Hebrew

The Christian and Old Testament Law

The world of the Old Testament seems foreign and strangewhat with the many fantastic stories, odd occurrences and strange ritualsand...
  • 9:52
  • Scott Stein
A gay pride flag has been left by itself, stuck between the planks of a boardwalk

Christian Identity: Rethinking the Use of ‘Gay’ as an Identity

Should Christians who experience same-sex attraction, but still want to order their sexual lives in obedience to Gods commandments about...
  • 42:48
  • Scott Stein, Shawn Walker
Two shadows of people are cast onto a grassy field

Why Are So Many Christians Deconverting?

In 2015, The Pew Research Center reported that for every individual who becomes a Christian, four leave.(source)More recently a chain...
  • 40:04
  • Scott Stein
A man folds his hands to pray

What is Faith and Why Does It Matter?

What is faith? What definition of faith would you give?There are many words in English that have been so overused...
  • 15:05
  • Scott Stein
A  young woman smiles and looks up at the sky

Start Thinking Like Jesus - Today!

These are four words that Jesus said to his Father, that reveal the starting place for every thought he ever...
  • 3:43
  • Scott Stein