
A symbol representing the Trinity on a brick wall

Introduction to the Trinity

The doctrine of the Trinity is one of the most important doctrines of the Christian faith. And, one of the...
  • 14:24
  • Scott Stein
Jesus' face is hidden as he stands in a river — you can see the reflection of his robe in the water

Is There Any Evidence That Jesus Really Lived?

The most compelling evidence for Jesus may be found in the preserved witness of the New Testament.Its the greatest source...
  • 4:45
  • Scott Stein
A young single woman looks out over a lake

Does God Expect Singles to Remain Virgins?

Restricting sex to marriage is seen by our world as an unkind and unrealistic expectation for unmarried people. Even many...
  • 5:25
  • Scott Stein
A person holds up a magnifying glass to a flower to study its design

Is There Any Evidence That God Exists?

If faith is trusting what God says is true, its reasonable to expect Gods truth to line up with reality...
  • 4:36
  • Scott Stein
Book cover for Telling a Better Story: How to Talk About God in a Skeptical Age, by Joshua Chatraw

Telling a Better Story | Scott’s Book Recommendations

When I was young and learning to defend my faith, most skeptical objections focused on whether Christianity was true. However, a shift has taken place…
  • 1:36
  • Scott Stein
Book cover for Reinventing Jesus: How Contemporary Skeptics Miss the Real Jesus and Mislead Popular Culture

Reinventing Jesus | Scott’s Book Recommendations

For almost 20+ years, our culture has popularized objections against the Bible, from the idea that the New Testament writings...
  • 0:46
  • Scott Stein
The book cover for How to Read the Old Testament Book by Book: A Guided Tour, by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart

How to Read the Old Testament Book by Book | Scott’s Book Recommendations

Learning to think like Jesus means learning to read the Bible the way Jesus read it. Not simply as a...
  • 0:37
  • Scott Stein
Book cover for God's Big Picture by Vaughan Roberts

“God’s Big Picture” by Vaughan Roberts | Scott’s Book Recommendations

As Christians, we believe the Bible is Gods word to us, but, if were honest, few of us really feel...
  • 0:49
  • Scott Stein
“Street Smarts” by Gregory Koukl  | Scott’s Book Recommendations

“Street Smarts” by Gregory Koukl | Scott’s Book Recommendations

If youre like most Christians, you may find it difficult, and even scary having faith conversations today. In many cases,...
  • 0:57
  • Scott Stein
The book cover for “What Is Biblical Theology?”

A Book Recommendation for “What Is Biblical Theology?”

Christians sometimes see the Bible as an instruction manual containing rules for pleasing God or living a happy life. Other...
  • 1:13
  • Scott Stein
Why Every Christian Is a Theologian: “You Are a Theologian” Book Recommendation

Why Every Christian Is a Theologian: “You Are a Theologian” Book Recommendation

What is salvation in Jesus all about? Jesus gives a very clear answer in John 17:3… “Now this is eternal life…
  • 1:07
  • Scott Stein
God Is: A Devotional Guide to the Attributes of God book cover

A Devotional Guide to the Attributes of God | “God Is” Book Recommendation

C.H. Spurgeon once said, “the proper study of a Christian is the Godhead”. For much of Western Christianity, this idea has been lost…
  • 1:47
  • Scott Stein
How Both the Old and New Testaments Point to Jesus | “The Unfolding Mystery” Book Recommendation

How Both the Old and New Testaments Point to Jesus | “The Unfolding Mystery” Book Recommendation

As Christians, we often feel or are confronted with the tension between God revealing himself through Jesus in the New...
  • 0:35
  • Scott Stein
Defending Your Faith When You Don’t Have All the Answers | A Christian Book Recommendation for “Tactics”

Defending Your Faith When You Don’t Have All the Answers | A Christian Book Recommendation for “Tactics”

Have you ever been in a situation where you're trying to defend your Christian beliefs, and you give what you...
  • 0:46
  • Scott Stein
Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith by Michael Reeves

The Importance of the Trinity: A Book Recommendation for “Delighting in the Trinity”

Many Christians would agree that the doctrine of the Trinity is important, but fail to see how its really relevant...
  • 0:32
  • Scott Stein
Book cover for “Set Adrift: Deconstructing What You Believe Without Sinking Your Faith”

How to Deconstruct Without Losing Your Faith: A Book Recommendation for “Set Adrift”

Faith deconstruction has become a huge topic of concern among Christians. Some see the very process as a danger to...
  • 1:12
  • Scott Stein
The book cover for Discover: Questioning Your Way to Faith

Questioning Your Way to Faith: A Book Recommendation for “Discover”

“[Here’s] the beauty of helping young people discover faith: you never know what’s going on in a student’s head until…”
  • 1:42
  • Scott Stein
The book cover for Who Am I? Identity in Christ, by Jerry Bridges

Our Identity in Christ: A Book Recommendation for “Who Am I?” by Jerry Bridges

As Christians, our identity is to be found in our relationship with Christ, not in our subjective and often negative...
  • 2:14
  • Scott Stein
A nativity figure of baby Jesus

If Jesus was “Begotten”, How Can He Be Eternal?

A viewer left a question on one of our YouTube clips about the Trinity that I thought deserved a more...
  • 5:33
  • Scott Stein
A heterosexual couple stands on top of a mountain overlooking a town

Should Christians De‑Throne Heterosexuality?

Is there really such a thing as a heterosexual, homosexual, or even bisexual person? That probably sounds like an absurd question…
  • 5:46
  • Scott Stein
A young man looks down at an open Bible in his hands

Can I Trust and Understand the Bible?

“The Bible was put together hundreds of years after Jesus lived.”

 “What good can a two-thousand-year-old book be for today’s world?” “That’s…
  • 5:29
  • Mike McGarry
A lamb stands in a green pasture and looks at the camera

How did Jesus fulfill the law of Moses?

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish...
  • 3:58
  • Scott Stein
Jesus clasps a person’s hands in his as they stand in front of a cross

Is Christian Universalism True?

What is Christian Universalism? Here’s how Rob Bell, a proponent of Christian Universalism, describes it: “At the heart of this perspective is…
  • 4:24
  • Scott Stein
A dark tunnel leading to a the light at the end of the tunnel

Jesus IS the Only Way — Really?

I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.Jesus (John...
  • 3:06
  • Scott Stein
Dark clouds hide the sun

How Can a Loving God Send People to Hell?

if your God is loving one second and cruel the next, if your God will punish people for all eternity...
  • 4:28
  • Scott Stein
Someone points at a verse in a Bible as another person holds out their hand in disagreement

Don’t Be a “That’s Just Your Interpretation” Christian 

Theres a kind of mental relativism impacting Christians today, especially those among Generation Z (i.e. those born between 1997 and...
  • 5:48
  • Scott Stein
A person wearing mittens holds out a small wrapped Christmas gift

Jesus’ Christmas Wish for You 

Do you want this Christmas to be a truly amazing and life-changing celebration? Then consider the implications of Jesus’ prayer.
  • 7:41
  • Scott Stein
A man walks away with a packed bag

How Should Christians React to Deconversions?

In 2015, Pew Research reported that for every individual who becomes a Christian, four leave.1More recently, there have been many...
  • 6:47
  • Scott Stein
A teen boy sits on the curb with his backpack and looks away

Is Your Child Losing Faith?

“Dad. Mom… I don’t think I want to be a Christian anymore.” No words could be more painful or create greater…
  • 4:02
  • Scott Stein
A father carries his little daughter on his shoulders as she looks at the sky

“Daddy, Why Can’t I See God?”

I’m not sure why it’s always at bedtime that my kids ask me the hardest questions. Perhaps it’s because that’s…
  • 04:52
  • Scott Stein