“God’s Big Picture” by Vaughan Roberts | Scott’s Book Recommendations
As Christians, we believe the Bible is God’s word to us, but, if we’re honest, few of us really feel as though we know the Bible. Sure, we might have a few favourite Bible stories or “go-to” passages, but often most of the Bible is unfamiliar to us. Consequently, much of the Bible (maybe especially the Old Testament) may seem irrelevant to our faith.
That’s why we’re recommending God’s Big Picture by Vaughan Roberts. It’s a tool designed specifically with the every-day Christian in mind who wants to know how the Bible, with all its diverse and seemingly unrelated parts, fits together to tell one grand story.
In the author’s own words, here is what you should expect to walk away with after reading God’s Big Picture:
“By the end of this book you should have the outline of the Bible in your mind so that, whichever part you are reading, you should know where you have come from and where you are heading. That will also help you discover how each part points to Jesus Christ and the salvation he accomplished.” pg. 18
If you have a hunger to better understand and treasure the whole Bible as God’s true word, then God’s Big Picture is a tool for you.