How Both the Old and New Testaments Point to Jesus | “The Unfolding Mystery” Book Recommendation
As Christians, we often feel or are confronted with the tension between God revealing himself through Jesus in the New Testament and God’s self-revelation in the Old Testament. Sometimes, we’re even met with the criticism of skeptics who will admit what a positive figure Jesus was, but will also say how out of keeping the teaching of Jesus and Jesus’ own character is with God’s revelation in the Old Testament.
In The Unfolding Mystery, Edmund Clowney helps us to connect the dots between the Old and New Testaments by showing how Jesus, as God’s full and final revelation of himself and his glory, is present throughout the whole Bible.
If you’ve ever struggled to see how Jesus fits in with the Old Testament, The Unfolding Mystery is a great book that can reshape your entire view of the Bible by showing you how Jesus is at the centre of it all.