Defending Your Faith When You Don’t Have All the Answers | A Christian Book Recommendation for “Tactics”
Have you ever been in a situation where you're trying to defend your Christian beliefs, and you give what you feel is a good answer to a legitimate question, only to have the person ignore your answer and just throw another question or objection at you? This can be discouraging and frustrating, making it feel like you're doing all the heavy lifting as the person you want to witness to just thinks of more questions to ask.
This is why I think Greg Koukl’s book, Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions, is a great help and resource. Tactics will help you develop a plan for engaging in faith conversations that will prevent the avalanche of questions and help lead the discussion to a more fruitful and shared exchange. One of the chief ways it helps do this is by using carefully placed questions to help the person you're witnessing to stop and consider why they believe what they believe, and what unspoken assumptions they may have when asking you their questions.
Tactics is a very practical tool that will help you build confidence for the next faith conversation that God brings your way!