Why Every Christian Is a Theologian: “You Are a Theologian” Book Recommendation

Why Every Christian Is a Theologian: “You Are a Theologian” Book Recommendation

  • By: Scott Stein
  • Aug 03, 2024

What is salvation in Jesus all about? Jesus gives a very clear answer in John 17:3…

“Now this is eternal life, that they know you, the one true God, and Jesus Christ whom you’ve sent.”

The gift and the goal of salvation in Jesus is that you could know God. And if you’ve put your faith in Jesus, he has given you the gift of his Holy Spirit so that you can know God and grow in your knowledge of him. But this doesn’t happen without effort. Just like anything worth learning about, growing in knowledge requires the deliberate and intentional use of our minds. This is no less true when it comes to God.

This means studying theology. Theology is just two words joined together. Theos (God) and logos (words). Words about God. That’s what theology is. This means that theology is for every Christian and should therefore be a subject of interest and study for every follower of Christ. 

Jen Wilkin and J.T. English’s book, You Are a Theologian, is an invitation and excellent tool to getting to know God better. Its goal is to help you begin seeing yourself as a theologian, regardless of your education background. It also helps you begin to see and enjoy the fact that, as you grow in your knowledge of God, you will deepen in your worship and love for God.

God is the fountain of all spiritual blessing for us in Christ Jesus. The more we know him, the more we will be filled with the joy of knowing God, which is just a foretaste of what eternity will be and is all about. Forever, coming to learn, know, and worship the infinite goodness of God.


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