A man looks off into a big blue sky

Eternal Life Is Not About Heaven

  • By: Scott Stein
  • Dec 13, 2022

Sometimes Christians fail to feel any real excitement over the gospel because they see the reward of eternal life as so distant and future. And, if the goal of God’s redeeming work was simply living forever in heaven, that would be understandable. But it isn’t. That’s right! Living forever in heaven isn’t what the good news of Jesus is all about.

Maybe that’s got you scratching your head. If eternal life through Jesus isn’t about living forever in heaven, then what is it about?

Through our Seeing the World as Jesus Sees It series of videos, we’ve been discovering from the Bible that God created the world with an eternal purpose and goal already in place. Through our sin, humanity rebelled against God’s goal. But God in his grace and love opened the way through Jesus to rescue us from sin and judgment so that we could attain God’s eternal purpose for us. But that purpose is much much more than simply living forever.

In this video, Scott dives into the final truths of the Bible’s grand story to reveal the exciting, unbelievable, life-changing purpose for living that Jesus Christ has rescued you to enjoy forever. A purpose that you can begin living out today.

Seeing the World as Jesus Sees It

Learn to View the World Through the Lens of the Bible—Like Jesus

By following the story of the Bible, this 4 part video series gives you a biblical worldview for knowing God’s purpose for your life. Great for personal study or small groups.


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