The Bible’s Big Story: How It Helps You Think Like Jesus
What kind of book is the Bible? Is it a collection of sacred writings? Is it a book of history? Is it an “instruction manual” for life, or a catalogue of commands for pleasing God? In a sense, it’s all these things in some ways. But when you boil it right down, the Bible is really a story. It’s a true story. It’s God’s story.
In our thought journey to learn to think like Jesus, we recognized that, given his full humanity, he had to learn how to think just like us. And we discovered how, like any good Jew in the first century, Jesus’ thinking was primarily shaped by the Old Testament Scriptures. But in what way did the Scriptures shape Jesus’ thinking?
In this episode, Scott and Shawn probe further into the impact of the Scriptures on Jesus’ mind by looking at how God’s great story that the Scriptures tell shaped not just what Jesus thought, but how he thought about what he thought. There wasn’t a single thing that entered Jesus’ mind that was not subject to the overarching story that the Bible tells about God and his purpose for creation.
Tune in to discover how the grand story of the Bible shaped Jesus’ thinking, and how allowing it to shape your own thinking can begin transforming the way you think about everything!