Beginning a Journey to Think Like Jesus

Beginning a Journey to Think Like Jesus

  • By: Scott Stein, Shawn Walker
  • Sep 24, 2024
    • Listen on:

60 years ago, Bob Dylan released his song, “The Times They Are A-Changin’”. Six decades later, it’s as relevant as ever, and the speed at which our world and culture are changing can be disorienting. Christians in older generations are often left longing for the “better” days of earlier times. But, the newer generations in the church are looking ahead, wondering where the world is headed and how they will faithfully navigate their lives as followers of Jesus in an ever changing world.

Christians have always looked for reassurance from God’s Word, trusting that God has given true answers to all the questions and uncertainties his people face in any age. But finding those answers and the understanding they bring means more than just learning information. It means gaining wisdom. It means knowing how to apply God’s truth. It means learning how to think God’s thoughts.

Think God’s thoughts!? That almost sounds like blasphemy — except that God has made his mind known to us, and he has shown us how to think according to his truth by sending Jesus, his Son, in human form. The incarnation of Jesus means that Jesus became fully human, in every way. So, not only is Jesus our example in how to live a human life that’s pleasing to God. He’s also our example of how to think with a human mind in a way that’s pleasing to God. In short, Jesus shows us how to think.

In this episode, Scott and Shawn sit down to consider Jesus as our perfect model for thought. Since Paul said that “transformation comes from the renewing of our minds” (Romans 12:2), then could it be that learning to think like Jesus is a key to living a transformed life, no matter what our changing world may bring our way? Tune in to their discussion to learn more.