A white protester and black protester hug each other

How Should Christians Confront Racism?

  • By: Scott Stein, Shawn Walker
  • Jan 31, 2023
    • Listen on:

In his “I Have A Dream” speech delivered in Washington, D.C, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. proclaimed his grand vision of seeing people of every colour joining hands to share a common destiny. Now, 60 years later, in so many ways his vision seems so far from finding fulfillment. And it seems this fact has created a new kind of division among us, namely over the answer to why King’s vision has yet to materialize, and what’s to be done about it. 

In this episode, Scott and Shawn sit down to discuss the difficult and painful realities of racial alienation existing in our culture today, and how we as Christians ought to think about and respond to them. Far from presenting any easy solutions, they discuss the reality that real healing can only come through the power of God’s truth displayed through the gospel. And, how the church can and must serve as the proving ground for true racial reconciliation.


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  • Justin
    Feb 1st, 2023
    I enjoyed your video gentleman. I think like you guys I would put myself somewhere in the middle but I would definitely lean more on the colour blind side. We cannot erase the past and how awful Canada, the U.S and many other countries were to people because of their skin colour. We must never forget. Racism is still around we can't pretend it does not exist but we need to deal with it in a Godly manner with prayer education and forgiveness. We must be careful not to get into identity politics for e.g. I am white so whatever I say or think about something does not matter this is worldly nonsense. While we may have different experiences because of our race every individual black person has differently experiences. Even experiences where I thought oh this is racist I had to reexamine and not have this be my first thought as by doing so I am violating the 9th commandment. Incase you are wondering yes I am black although I don't think this should matter as too many times this is used to qualify me as an expert on racism. All races have been slaves at some point and have experienced racism this does not minimize the racism people have gone through it just puts in in perspective. There are some bad cops out there so people have the right to fear cops at times but are those cops racist or just bad cops or both. The results are the same on the victims but the why and the how matter to us as Christians as we are to judge people fairly. I thank you guys for your ministry may God bless you.
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