How Should Christians Confront Racism?
In his “I Have A Dream” speech delivered in Washington, D.C, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. proclaimed his grand vision of seeing people of every colour joining hands to share a common destiny. Now, 60 years later, in so many ways his vision seems so far from finding fulfillment. And it seems this fact has created a new kind of division among us, namely over the answer to why King’s vision has yet to materialize, and what’s to be done about it.
In this episode, Scott and Shawn sit down to discuss the difficult and painful realities of racial alienation existing in our culture today, and how we as Christians ought to think about and respond to them. Far from presenting any easy solutions, they discuss the reality that real healing can only come through the power of God’s truth displayed through the gospel. And, how the church can and must serve as the proving ground for true racial reconciliation.