How the Holy Spirit Helps You Think Like Jesus
Because Christians worship Jesus as the Son of God, we are often very careful in how we speak about Jesus’ humanity, perhaps fearing that making Jesus too human might jeopardize his deity. But could it be that in guarding the importance of Jesus’ divinity, we may ignore or even distort his humanity?
In our latest podcast series, Scott and Shawn have been taking a “thought journey” to consider how Jesus, the man, learned how to think. In this episode, they consider the role that the Holy Spirit must have played in Jesus’ thinking.
By stepping back to consider the role that the Holy Spirit played in Jesus’ life in general, they discover some important and, perhaps, surprising conclusions about how the Holy Spirit would have taught Jesus to think. And, since the Holy Spirit who lived in Jesus is the same Holy Spirit who indwells every Christian, this certainly has implications for how the Holy Spirit helps us to think like Jesus as well.
Tune in as Scott and Shawn unpack some incredible truths about Jesus!