A Christian Response to Abortion
Abortion is one of the most heart-rending issues of our time. Christians believe that every human is created by God to bear his image. This makes any human life, from conception to grave, inherently valuable and worthy of our protection. And yet, when it comes to abortion, there are always two lives to be considered. One cannot help but feel compassion for women in desperate situations facing pregnancy with no support system to turn to. Since God cares for both lives equally, the issues are far from simple.
In this episode in our Cancel Culture series, Scott and Shawn dive into discussing the issue of abortion from a Christian point of view. They cover some important questions, such as:
Is the Bible even clear about abortion?
How should Christians respond when criticized for holding pro-life convictions?
What should we be doing about abortion?
We hope this discussion and some of the resources we point to will help deepen your own sense of conviction about abortion, as well as providing some practical insights into how you can address abortion in your own life and witness.