Is Gender Even Relevant to the Gospel?
This video excerpt is from a live presentation by Scott Stein.
Why should Christians care about gender?
Best to avoid political discussions. It is just political, isn't it? Shouldn't we be more concerned about helping people get to know Jesus?
Helping people find salvation in Jesus is the most important thing.
But saying so is meaningless, unless we can first answer two essential questions: What does Jesus save us FROM? And, what does Jesus save us TO?
Gender and the gospel
Key to rightly understanding the gospel and living out salvation in Christ is the biblical view of gender.
Being made male and female is essential to our nature as God’s image bearers. Since God is a holy God (i.e. set apart), he created humanity to likewise by their nature reflect holiness (i.e. “set apartness”).
Affirming and honouring the distinctions that God has placed in our gendered bodies, therefore, is central to honouring and worshipping God, whose image we bear.
This makes our gender distinct bodies not only functionally significant, but eternally significant as reflectors of God’s holiness.