Help Your Small Group Look at the World Differently – Like Jesus
Follow the story of the Bible in a 4 part video series to learn how God’s plan affects how Christians should understand our world.
Upon signing up, you will receive an email with links to our FREE video series and to our study guide on Amazon.
See the World as Jesus Sees It
See the World as Jesus Sees It
Living without a biblically formed worldview is like looking at a painting through a drinking straw. It’s hard to make sense of the pieces because you can’t see the whole picture. That’s why we created this series. To give you the Bible’s big picture that God reveals through Jesus about his purpose for your life, and his plan for all creation. And when you begin seeing your life in the world as Jesus sees it, you will never be the same!
What you’ll get:
- Access to the 4 part video series
- Promo materials for your small group
- Link to study guide on Amazon
Discover Your Purpose Through the Grand Story of the Bible in 4 Video Sessions
We'll be answering questions like...
- What did God create the world for?
- What is wrong with the world?
- What is going on in the world?
- Where is the world headed?
See the World As Jesus Sees It: Study Guide
Designed for small groups, the study guide will help you get the most out the series. It also includes leader insights to help group leaders prepare for and maximize group discussions.
After signing up, follow the link in your confirmation email to purchase the guide on Amazon.
Ready to Get Access?
Upon signing up, you will receive an email with links to our video series and to our Study Guide on Amazon.

About Scott, Your Instructor
Founder & Lead Apologist, Prepared to Answer
In 2013, Scott Stein established Prepared to Answer, a ministry devoted to equipping a new generation of Christians to experience life transformation through a renewing of the mind.
Scott has eleven years of experience as a pastor, and holds a Masters of Divinity and Masters of Christian Apologetics. He has a deep passion for the development of the Christian mind through training others to think like Jesus.
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