Our Children Are Growing Up in a HYPER-Sexualized World
Our children are growing up in a hyper-sexualized world, exposed at earlier and earlier ages to sexual images and ideas. As Christians we cannot hide our children from the world; rather we must strengthen and equip them to overcome it. (Ephesians 6:4)
This is a helpful article from Psychology Today, albeit from a secular perspective. If you don’t take the time to read it, at least read what I think is great advice for parents from the author.
“The world is sexually complicated for all children but our job is not to run away from it. Rather, we need to make sure we speak, listen, and guide our children every day so they can make sense of their sexualized world. Remember two very important facts: One, your voice as a parent IS more powerful than your child’s peers and the media; and two, talking about sex and sexuality with your child will NOT increase their interest in sex; only help them act more responsibly. It really is this simple.” (Dr. Fred Kaeser, Ed.D.)